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The second M3D workshop

On 11.05.2021. As part of the project "Optimization and usage of 3D technology in medicine and health care - learn on experience" (M3D), the second workshop was held, led by experts from the University of Pava. The topic of the workshop was "Applications of AM technologies to the surgical planning and training" where the participants had the opportunity to listen to experiences in creating models for surgical planning, creating models for training as well as a presentation of an overview of the optimized use of 3d technologies in the field of medicine and healthcare.

Also, in the afternoon part of the workshop, the possibilities of using Formlabs printers and materials in the field of dentistry were presented by 3D Republic. It is extremely important to note that more than 70 participants from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina had the opportunity to attend and participate in these interesting workshops. The beginning of the workshop was also attended by special guest H.J. E: Nicola Minasi, Ambassador of Italy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, who addressed the participants of the workshop and emphasized the importance of cooperation and transfer of knowledge from Italian universities to Universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The project consortium composed of the University of Zenica, University of East Sarajevo, Politecnico di Torino, University of Pavia and project partners: 3D Republika and FABLAB BIH is already preparing the next workshop to be held on 18.05.2021. years. The project was supported by CEI (Central Europe Initiative).

All those interested who want to join the third workshop, which will be on the topic "Facial Biometry and DICOM Elaboration for 3D Modeling", can do so via the following link:

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