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ProSes awards scholarships for master's and doctoral studies

Within Project for strengthening nursing in Bosnia and Herzegovina (ProSes), the third component is aimed at improving the formal public education of nurses. The process of modernization of curricula implies a gradual increase in the representation of nurses among the teaching staff. It is an internationally recognized standard for optimal knowledge transfer, as well as one of the general principles prescribed by the EU Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications.

In order for nurses to be able to take on this role, they need to have an appropriate level of education - that is, completed master's and then doctoral studies. In that regard, ProSes awards scholarships for master's and doctoral studies in the field of health care at public faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The following links contain detailed information about the competition and the application form:

The application deadline is: 30.09.2019.

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