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Visit of researcher Andrea Novaresio from the University of Turin

In the period from June 20 to 24, we had the pleasure of hosting researcher Andrea Novaresio from the University of Turin, who illustrated a presentation on medical applications of 3D technology entitled "3Dlab and maxillofacial surgery: why?", as part of a project funded by CEI ( Central European Initiative) as part of the "M3D" project, in which the University of Zenica, the University of East Sarajevo, the University of Pavia and Politecnico di Torino, and the partners FabLab Sarajevo and 3D Republika participate. As part of interesting presentations, workshops were held with focus groups of engineers and medical workers and the application of 3D technologies in medicine based on examples and processes used in Turin, Italy. This is extremely important in the process of transferring knowledge and technological achievements.

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