Main Project activities:
1. Developing project road map
2. Organizing 4 workshops / seminar for beneficiaries
Workshops leader: Politecnico di Torino & University of Pavia
3. Organizing site visit
Group of experts from BiH will visit Torino and Pavia laboratories.
4. Development of Training syllabi
For short cycle education
5. Pilot test of syllabi
Training for interested people.
Summary and objectives
Project is based on potential usage of 3D technologies in field of medicine and Health care through experience in various medical and health care fields, but also in context of covid-19 response as a base for rapid prototype technology. University of Zenica has started strategic, structural, research and innovation project of usage of 3D technologies in field of development of orthosis and prosthesis, spare parts that cannot be produced by service companies, production of models for better operation plan and communication with patients. This is great opportunity to develop this part of education and involve students in innovation and research protocols.
Project activities are based on transfer of knowledge based on experience from partners in Italy and establishing new short cycle training course for purpose of increasing innovative, entrepreneurship, research and professional “spirit” among students, academic staff, professionals from medical & health care field developing University third mission. These activities are achievable trough triple helix model where direct users from know – how beneficiaries will be involved (example Cantonal Hospital Zenica, Institutes for Health safety in Zenica, Regional University Hospital in Foča and others).
Main project objectives is:
Developing new knowledge, products, ideas and innovations based on learning and know how transfer by partners from Italy trough series of workshops and organizing short cycle training course.
Specific objectives are:
– Transfer of technologies in field of additive technologies (3d printing and scanning) in area of medicine and Health care
– Increase interest at students and expert population in this specific area of technologies
– Developing new area of services at IdeaLab laboratories at University of Zenica for practical usage in field of medicine and Health care.
– Developing syllabi for specific training (LLL course or training course) for experts, students and people from industry.
– Strengthening and empowering connection among partners involved in this project that will results in new joint research and educational process.
– Development of connection for future project and mobility application with focus on Erasmus+, Horizon 2020 of CEEPUS network.
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